1. Orthopedic Department, La Tour Hospital, Avenue J.-D. Maillard 3, Meyrin, Geneva CH-1217, Switzerland
2. Research Department, La Tour Hospital, Avenue J.-D. Maillard 3, Meyrin, Geneva CH-1217, Switzerland
3. Academic Orthopaedic Department, Aristotle University Medical School, General Hospital Papageorgiou, Agiou Pavlou 76, Pavlos Melas, Thessaloniki GR-56429, Greece
4. Centre of Orthopaedic and Regenerative Medicine (CORE), Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation (CIRI)-Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Balkan center, 10th km Thessaloniki-Thermi Rd, Thessaloniki GR-57001, Greece