1. Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus Münster-Hiltrup , Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Münster-Hiltrup, Germany
2. University Hospital of Münster , Department of Medicine D, Division of General Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Rheumatology, Münster, Germany
3. Heidelberg University Hospital , Department of Nephrology, Heidelberg, Germany
4. University of Tübingen , Department of Diabetology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Tübingen, Germany
5. University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg University-Mainz , I. Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Mainz, Germany
6. Erasmus MC , University Medical Center Rotterdam, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Transplantation, Rotterdam, Netherlands
7. University Hospital Cologne , Department II of Internal Medicine and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, Faculty of Medicine, Cologne, Germany
8. Vilnius University , Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Clinic of Gastroenterology, Nephrology and Surgery, Vilnius, Lithuania