HumanMetagenomeDB: a public repository of curated and standardized metadata for human metagenomes


Kasmanas Jonas Coelho123,Bartholomäus Alexander4,Corrêa Felipe Borim23,Tal Tamara5,Jehmlich Nico6,Herberth Gunda7,von Bergen Martin68,Stadler Peter F3ORCID,Carvalho André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de1,Nunes da Rocha Ulisses2ORCID


1. Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil

2. Department of Environmental Microbiology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ GmbH, Leipzig, Saxony 04318, Germany

3. Department of Computer Science and Interdisciplinary Center of Bioinformatics, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Saxony 04107, Germany

4. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 3.7 Geomicrobiology, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany

5. Department of Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ GmbH, Leipzig, Saxony 04318, Germany

6. Department of Molecular Systems Biology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ GmbH, Leipzig, Saxony 04318, Germany

7. Department of Environmental Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ GmbH, Leipzig, Saxony 04318, Germany

8. Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Saxony 04107, Germany


Abstract Metagenomics became a standard strategy to comprehend the functional potential of microbial communities, including the human microbiome. Currently, the number of metagenomes in public repositories is increasing exponentially. The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) and the MG-RAST are the two main repositories for metagenomic data. These databases allow scientists to reanalyze samples and explore new hypotheses. However, mining samples from them can be a limiting factor, since the metadata available in these repositories is often misannotated, misleading, and decentralized, creating an overly complex environment for sample reanalysis. The main goal of the HumanMetagenomeDB is to simplify the identification and use of public human metagenomes of interest. HumanMetagenomeDB version 1.0 contains metadata of 69 822 metagenomes. We standardized 203 attributes, based on standardized ontologies, describing host characteristics (e.g. sex, age and body mass index), diagnosis information (e.g. cancer, Crohn's disease and Parkinson), location (e.g. country, longitude and latitude), sampling site (e.g. gut, lung and skin) and sequencing attributes (e.g. sequencing platform, average length and sequence quality). Further, HumanMetagenomeDB version 1.0 metagenomes encompass 58 countries, 9 main sample sites (i.e. body parts), 58 diagnoses and multiple ages, ranging from just born to 91 years old. The HumanMetagenomeDB is publicly available at



Helmholtz Association


Oxford University Press (OUP)









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