1. Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN) , Indonesia
This study discusses the perspective of a positive-sum game in land conflicts involving indigenous groups. It is based on a case study using qualitative methods in the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, an indigenous group in Indonesia. Findings show the perspective enables collaborative resource management for conflict resolution. Semi-legal agreements reduce uncertainty, prevent violence, and provide opportunities for the group to earn livelihoods along with forest conservation. These are enabled by the principle of mutual respect as the rule in use by all parties. Certain limitations are still associated with the outcomes, which indicate the need for a more equitable, written, and permanent settlement. Decentralizing conflict resolution to the local level can lead to innovative solutions if the interactions among all actors are based on the principle of mutual respect and a commitment to prevent violence.
Program of Individual Research 2018
Oxford University Press (OUP)