Interactive Visualization of Large Point Clouds Using an Autotuning Multiresolution Out-Of-Core Strategy


Teijeiro Diego1ORCID,Amor Margarita1ORCID,Doallo Ramón1ORCID,Deibe David1ORCID


1. Computer Arquitecture Group , CITIC, Universidad de A Coruña, Campus de Elviña s/n, 15071 A Coruña, España


Abstract Due to the increasingly large amount of data acquired into point clouds, from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors and 2D/3D sensors, massive point clouds processing has become a topic with high interest for several fields. Current client-server applications usually use multiresolution out-of-core proposals; nevertheless, the construction of the data structures required is very time-consuming. Furthermore, these multiresolution approaches present problems regarding point density changes between different levels of detail and artifacts due to the rendering of elements entering and leaving the field of view. We present an autotuning multiresolution out-of-core strategy to avoid these problems. Other objectives are reducing loading times while maintaining low memory requirements, high visualization quality and achieving interactive visualization of massive point clouds. This strategy identifies certain parameters, called performance parameters, and defines a set of premises to obtain the goals mentioned above. The optimal parameter values depend on the number of points per cell in the multiresolution structure. We test our proposal in our web-based visualization software designed to work with the structures and storage format used and display massive point clouds achieving interactive visualization of point clouds with more than 27 billion points.


Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain

Consolidation Program of Competitive Research Units

Centro de Investigación de Galicia

Government of Galicia

Government of Galicia and the European Social Fund


Oxford University Press (OUP)


General Computer Science







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