1. IVF 2.0 Ltd, Chief Executive Officer, Maghull, United Kingdom
2. University of Kent, School of biosciences, Kent, United Kingdom
3. New Hope Fertility Center, Reproductive Medicine, Guadalajara, Mexico
4. IVF 2.0 Ltd, Research and development, Maghull, United Kingdom
5. Universidad de Guadalajara, Computational Sciences, Guadalajara, Mexico
6. ITESM University, Medicine, Guadalajara, Mexico
7. Hewitt Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Reproductive medicine, Liverpool, United Kingdom
8. ART Institute of Washington, Reproductive medicine, Bethesda, U.S.A
9. IVFqc, Chief Executive Officer, New York, U.S.A
10. IVF 2.0 Ltd, Embryology director, Maghull, United Kingdom