There are lots of ways that emotions have been studied in psychology and various ways that their
use has been examined in the context of foreign policy. Perhaps one of the most useful ways to
examine the influence of emotion on foreign policy is through the lens of risk and threat
assessment. Some approaches to emotion tend to categorize emotions as valence-based, in terms of
broad-based positivity or negativity. Certainly, elements of this kind of approach can be useful,
particularly in terms of thinking about the ways in which political conservatives appear to have a
negativity bias. However, an investigation of discrete emotions allows a more sophisticated and
nuanced exploration of the effect of emotion on risk analysis and threat assessment, in particular
the effect of fear, anger, and disgust on decision-making under conditions of risky threat. Genetic,
as well as environmental, circumstances can influence individual variance in the experience and
expression of such emotions, and any comprehensive approach to understanding the influence of
emotion on decision-making should take all these factors into account.