1. Estonian Genome Centre , Institute of Genomics, , Tartu 51010 , Estonia
2. University of Tartu , Institute of Genomics, , Tartu 51010 , Estonia
3. Institute of Clinical Medicine , Faculty of Medicine, , Oslo , Norway
4. University of Oslo , Faculty of Medicine, , Oslo , Norway
5. Diamantina Institute, The University of Queensland , Woolloongabba QLD 4102 , Australia
6. K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology , Department of Public Health and Nursing, , Trondheim , Norway
7. NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology , Department of Public Health and Nursing, , Trondheim , Norway
8. Population Health Science , Bristol Medical School, , Bristol , UK
9. University of Bristol , Bristol Medical School, , Bristol , UK
10. MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol , Bristol , UK
11. Big Data Institute , Li Ka Shing Center for Health for Health Information and Discovery, , Oxford , UK
12. Oxford University , Li Ka Shing Center for Health for Health Information and Discovery, , Oxford , UK
13. Department of Health Data Science, University of Liverpool , Liverpool , UK
14. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CRCHUS), Universite de Sherbrooke , Quebec , Canada
15. Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Science , College of Medicine and Health, , Exeter , UK
16. University of Exeter , College of Medicine and Health, , Exeter , UK
17. Inserm U1283 , CNRS UMR 8199, , Lille F-59000 , France
18. European Genomic Institute for Diabetes, Institut Pasteur de Lille , CNRS UMR 8199, , Lille F-59000 , France
19. University of Lille, Lille University Hospital , Lille F-59000 , France
20. Department of Clinical Sciences , Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, , Malmö SE-20502 , Sweden
21. Lund University Diabetes Centre , Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, , Malmö SE-20502 , Sweden
22. Centre for Life-Course Health Research , Faculty of Medicine, , Oulu , Finland
23. University of Oulu , Faculty of Medicine, , Oulu , Finland
24. Department of Public Health Solutions, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare , Helsinki , Finland
25. Research Program for Clinical and Molecular Metabolism , Faculty of Medicine, , Helsinki , Finland
26. University of Helsinki , Faculty of Medicine, , Helsinki , Finland
27. School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics , Imperial College London, St Mary's Hospital, London, UK
28. Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital , Seoul , Republic of Korea
29. Division of Endocrinology , Metabolism, and Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine, , Chicago, IL 60611 , USA
30. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine , Metabolism, and Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine, , Chicago, IL 60611 , USA
31. Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center , Rotterdam , the Netherlands
32. Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford , Oxford , UK
33. Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute , Boston, MA , USA
34. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong SAR , The People's Republic of China
35. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong SAR , The People's Republic of China
36. deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Inc. , Reykjavik , Iceland
37. Department of Metabolism , Digestion and Reproduction, , London , UK
38. Imperial College London , Digestion and Reproduction, , London , UK
39. Centre of Global Health Research, Diabetic Association of Bangladesh , Dhaka , Bangladesh
40. Section of Statistical Multi-omics , Department of Clinical and Experimental Research, , Surrey , UK
41. University of Surrey , Department of Clinical and Experimental Research, , Surrey , UK
42. Department of Immunology , Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, , Tartu , Estonia
43. University of Tartu , Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, , Tartu , Estonia
44. Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland , Reykjavik , Iceland
45. Livio Reykjavik , Reykjavik , Iceland
46. Institute of Diabetes Research, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health , Munich-Neuherberg , Germany
47. Forschergruppe Diabetes, Technical University Munich, at Klinikum rechts der Isar , Munich , Germany
48. Faculty of Health Sciences, Nord University , Bodø , Norway
49. Population Health Unit, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare , Helsinki and Oulu , Finland
50. PEDEGO Research Unit , MRC Oulu, , Oulu , Finland
51. Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu , MRC Oulu, , Oulu , Finland
52. Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology , Trondheim , Norway
53. Department of Psychology and Logopedics, University of Helsinki , Helsinki , Finland
54. Research Institute of Internal Medicine, Oslo University Hospital , Oslo , Norway
55. Department of Endocrinology , Morbid Obesity and Preventive Medicine, , Oslo , Norway
56. Oslo University Hospital , Morbid Obesity and Preventive Medicine, , Oslo , Norway
57. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital , Helsinki , Finland
58. Hyvinkää Hospital, Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District , Hyvinkää , Finland
59. Department of Transplantation Medicine, Oslo University Hospital , Oslo , Norway
60. Department of Biochemistry and Functional Genomics , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, , Quebec , Canada
61. Universite de Sherbrooke , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, , Quebec , Canada
62. Department of Medical Biology, Centre Intégré Universitaire de Santé et de Services Sociaux du Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean – Hôpital de Chicoutimi , Québec , Canada
63. Centre for Genomics and Child Health , Blizard Institute, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, , London , UK
64. Queen Mary University of London , Blizard Institute, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, , London , UK
65. Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) , Helsinki Institute of Life Science, , Helsinki , Finland
66. University of Helsinki , Helsinki Institute of Life Science, , Helsinki , Finland
67. Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Eastern Finland , Kuopio , Finland
68. Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine , Chicago, IL 60611 , USA
69. Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University , Evanston, IL 60208 , USA
70. Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital , Seongnam , Republic of Korea
71. Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine , Seoul , Republic of Korea
72. General Practice Research Unit (AFE) , Department of General Practice, , Post Box 1130 Blindern, Oslo 0318 , Norway
73. Institute of Health and Society, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo , Department of General Practice, , Post Box 1130 Blindern, Oslo 0318 , Norway
74. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tampere University, Hospital and Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Center for Child, Adolescent, and Maternal Health, Tampere University , Tampere , Finland
75. Medical and Clinical Genetics, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital , Helsinki , Finland
76. Laboratory for Molecular Epidemiology in Diabetes, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong SAR , The People's Republic of China
77. Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong SAR , The People's Republic of China
78. Department of Molecular Medicine and Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Seoul National University , Seoul , Republic of Korea
79. Department of Medicine , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, , Québec , Canada
80. University of Sherbrook , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, , Québec , Canada
81. Department of Endocrinology , Abdominal Centre, , Helsinki , Finland
82. Helsinki University Hospital , Abdominal Centre, , Helsinki , Finland
83. Folkhalsan Research Center , Helsinki , Finland
84. Diabetes Unit , Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
85. Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University , Malmö , Sweden
86. Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, MA , USA
87. Oxford Centre for Diabetes , Endocrinology and Metabolism, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, , Oxford , UK
88. University of Oxford , Endocrinology and Metabolism, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, , Oxford , UK
89. Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics , Nuffield Department of Medicine, , Oxford , UK
90. University of Oxford , Nuffield Department of Medicine, , Oxford , UK
91. Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute , Boston, MA , USA
92. Bristol NIHR Biomedical Research Centre , Bristol , UK
93. Centre for Genetics and Genomics Versus Arthritis , Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, Division of Musculoskeletal and Dermatological Sciences, , Manchester , UK
94. University of Manchester , Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, Division of Musculoskeletal and Dermatological Sciences, , Manchester , UK