1. Medical Genetics, University of Siena , Siena 53100 , Italy
2. Med Biotech Hub and Competence Centre , Department of Medical Biotechnologies, , Siena 53100 , Italy
3. University of Siena , Department of Medical Biotechnologies, , Siena 53100 , Italy
4. Genetica Medica, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese , Siena 53100 , Italy
5. Department of Clinical Genetics , PEDEGO Research Unit, and Medical Research Center Oulu, , Oulu 90014 , Finland
6. University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital , PEDEGO Research Unit, and Medical Research Center Oulu, , Oulu 90014 , Finland
7. National Center of Genetics (NCG), Laboratoire national de santé (LNS) , L-3555 Dudelange , Luxembourg
8. Amsterdam UMC location University of Amsterdam, Department of Pediatrics , Amsterdam 1100 , The Netherlands
9. Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique; Centre de Génétique Humaine , Gosselies 6041 , Belgium
10. William Lennox Neurological Hospital, Reference Center for Refractory Epilepsy UCLouvain , Ottignies 1340 , Belgium
11. Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, Charles University – 2nd Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Motol , Prague 150 00 , Czech Republic
12. Department of Translational Medicine, University of Naples "Federico II" , Naples 80125 , Italy
13. Area of Clinical and Molecular Genetics, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital , Barcellona 08035 , Spain
14. Regional Coordinating Center for Rare Diseases , Udine 33100 , Italy
15. Institute for Maternal and Child Health , Trieste 34100 , Italy
16. Genetic Counseling Service, Department of Pediatrics, Regional Hospital of Bolzano , Bolzano 39100 , Italy
17. IRCCS Stella Maris Foundation, Molecular Medicine for Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Disease Unit , Pisa 98125 , Italy
18. Department of Clinical Genetics and Genomics, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics , Nicosia 1683 , Cyprus
19. Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, Tbilisi State Medical University , Tbilisi 0162 , Georgia
20. Department of Clinical Genetics , Genetic and Personalized Medicine Clinic, , Tartu 50406 , Estonia
21. Tartu University Hospital , Genetic and Personalized Medicine Clinic, , Tartu 50406 , Estonia
22. Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tartu , Tartu 50406 , Estonia
23. Department of Genomics and Clinical Genetics, Turku University Hospital , Turku 20500 , Finland
24. Department of Child Neurology, Turku University Hospital , Turku 20500 , Finland
25. Centre for Neurological Diseases, West-Tallinn Central Hospital , Tallinn 10617 , Estonia
26. Division of Genetic Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne , 1011 Lausanne , Switzerland
27. Division of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, University of Siena , Siena 53100 , Italy
28. Clinical Paediatrics , Department of Molecular Medicine and Development, , Siena 53100 , Italy
29. University of Siena , Department of Molecular Medicine and Development, , Siena 53100 , Italy
30. IRCCS Stella Maris Foundation, Department of Developmental Neuroscience , Pisa 98125 , Italy
31. Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa , Pisa 56122 , Italy