Lack of strong selection pressures maintains wide variation in floral traits in a food-deceptive orchid


Jacquemyn Hans1,Brys Rein2


1. Department of Biology, Plant Conservation and Population Biology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

2. Research Institute for Forest and Nature, Geraardsbergen, Belgium


Abstract Background and Aims Angiosperms vary remarkably in traits such as colour, size and shape of flowers, yet such variation generally tends to be low within species. In deceptive orchids, however, large variation in floral traits has been described, not only between but also within populations. Nonetheless, the factors driving variation in floral traits in deceptive orchids remain largely unclear. Methods To identify determinants of variation in floral traits, we investigated patterns of fruit set and selection gradients in the food-deceptive orchid Orchis purpurea, which typically presents large within-population variation in the colour and size of the flowers. Using long-term data, fruit set was quantified in two populations over 16 consecutive years (2004–2019). Artificial hand pollination was performed to test the hypothesis that fruit set was pollinator-limited and that selfing led to decreased seed set and viability. Annual variation (2016–2019) in selection gradients was calculated for three colour traits (brightness, contrast and the number of spots on the labellum), flower size (spur length, labellum length and width) and plant size (number of flowers, plant height). Key Results Fruit set was, on average, low (~12 %) and severely pollinator-limited. Opportunities for selection varied strongly across years, but we found only weak evidence for selection on floral traits. In contrast, there was strong and consistent positive selection on floral display. Selfing led to reduced production of viable seeds and hence severe inbreeding depression (δ = 0.38). Conclusion Overall, these results demonstrate that the large variation in flower colour and size that is regularly observed in natural O. purpurea populations is maintained by the consistent lack of strong selection pressures on these traits through time.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Plant Science

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