The Moral Rights and Wrongs of Online Dating and Hook-Ups


Frank Lily1,Klincewicz Michał2


1. Philosophy and Ethics, Technical University of Eindhoven

2. Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Tilburg University


Abstract In this chapter we identify three potentially morally problematic behaviours that are common among users of dating and hook-up apps (DHAs) and provide arguments as to why they may or may not be considered (a) in a category of their own, distinct from similar behaviours outside of DHAs; (b) caused or facilitated by affordances and business logic of DHAs; (c) as indeed morally wrong. We also consider ways in which morally problematic behaviours can be anticipated, mitigated, or even prevented by analysis of the ethical and moral dimensions of technologies and their afforded uses. Finally, we offer some possible directions for future work on these topics in particular and on the ethical consequences of DHAs in general.


Oxford University Press

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