The Soteriologies of Buddhist Tantrism


Sinclair Iain1


1. Religious Studies, Lecturer and Researcher in Buddhism, Nan Tien Institute of Higher Education


Abstract Tantric Buddhist practices, often regarded as transgressive or liminal, diverge from the sedate ways of the monastic establishment and the bodhisattva ideal of selfless altruism. The reconciliation of these quite different paths to enlightenment is one of the landmark intellectual projects of late Buddhism. Tantrism was conceived as a way (naya) or vehicle (yāna) leading to awakening that could be followed alongside monastic or bodhisattva religiosity in spite of its antinomian tendencies. The eradication of conceptuality (vikalpa) is one common goal that was especially suited to tantric methods, although views differed on the compatibility of these methods with Buddhist norms. The soteriology of Buddhist tantrism was developed over generations by members of the monastic community, such as Śāntarakṣita and deutero-Āryadeva; by non-monastic yogīs such as Indrabhūti and Padmavajra; and by adepts who had practised both monasticism and tantrism, such as Jñānapāda, Atiśa and Advayavajra.


Oxford University Press

Reference65 articles.

1. Basu, Anathnath.  1930. “The Vimalaratnalekha or an epistle to King Nayapāla of Magadha from Dīpaṅkara Śrījñāna with Sanskrit reconstruction and English translation.” In Proceedings and Transactions of the Fifth Indian Oriental Conference, November 19, 20, 21 and 22, 1928, vol. II. Lahore: University of the Panjab, i–27.

2. Broido, Michael M.  1988. “Killing, Lying, Stealing, and Adultery: A Problem of Interpretation in the Tantras.” In Buddhist Hermeneutics, edited by Donald S. Lopez Jr., 71–118. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.

3. Chaudhuri Bankim Chandra. 1931. “A Comparative Study of Hindu and Buddhist Mythology.” In Buddhistic Studies, edited by Bimala Churn Law, 668–672. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink & Co.







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