Rational Choice, Gang Membership, and Crime


Thomas Kyle J.1


1. Sociology, University of Colorado Boulder


Abstract Rational choice perspectives derive from the standard economic idea that individuals choose to engage in actions when the marginal benefits exceed the marginal risks and costs. Although there is considerable support for rational choice predictions across a range of outcomes related to crime, scholars have rarely invoked choice ideas when explaining issues related to gang involvement. The chapter discusses the foundations of a rational choice model of gang involvement, gang offending and gang disengagement. This perspective differs from traditional sociological views which focus on “causal” factors that are external to the individual, and instead recognizes individuals as agents who play an active role in their own social lives. This approach further allows for macro-sociological characteristics to be linked to a micro-level theory of action that can improve our understanding of gang-related issues. Throughout, the chapter offers tractable models of rational choice explanations to account for selection into gangs, offending and gang disengagement.


Oxford University Press

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