1. C28P74Albright, Ann C. [1998] 2013. “Strategic abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance.” In Engaging Bodies: The Politics and Poetics of Corporeality, 297–317. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.
2. C28P75Alpert, Lauren R. 2016. “Co-Authorship and the Ontology of Dance Artworks.” Presentation at the American Society for Aesthetics 74th Annual Meeting, Seattle, November 18.
3. C28P76Aristotle. 1984 [c. 335 bce]. “Poetics.” In The Rhetoric and the Poetics of Aristotle. Translated by I. Bywater, with an introduction by Edward P. J. Corbett, 221–266. New York: The Modern Library, McGraw Hill Inc.