Popular Music in Times of Neo-Liberalism and Beyond


Gedik Ali C.1


1. Musicology, Dokuz Eylül University


AbstractThis chapter discusses the struggles for cultural hegemony in Turkey as manifested in the practices of Turkish popular music by focusing on the last two decades of neoliberalism, roughly between years 2000–2020. This period corresponds to one of the most striking changes in the history of Turkey where the state and its institutions, and thus official ideology and popular culture, have been subject to a conspicuous neoliberal transformation. The theoretical framework of this study is based on an old Marxist antinomy between political economy and cultural studies approaches. Therefore, the theoretical premises of the relevant literature ranging from musical commodity to cultural hegemony are critically revisited based on the works of Marx, Gramsci, Adorno, Benjamin, Williams, and Hall. Finally, this chapter presents a theoretical framework for the study of popular music in times of neoliberalism within the context of the political economy of cultural hegemony where Turkish popular music is considered as a case study.


Oxford University Press

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