This chapter is an introduction to Japanese phenomenology, which was brought to Japan in the early twentieth century by Nishida Kitarō and others, soon after Husserl launched the movement in Germany. Beginning with a brief historical and cultural overview, the chapter focuses on four major phenomenologists: Sakabe Megumi, Nitta Yoshihiro, Noé Keiichi, and Washida Kiyokazu. Each of the four, each in a different way, articulates a fundamental aspect of Japanese phenomenology: the criticism of subject-object dualism and the attending idea of an autonomous being-in-itself. All attempt to inquire more deeply into the nondual dimensions underlying that dualism: Sakabe through an inquiry into betweenness (aida or awai), encounter, and reflection (utsushi); Nitta by probing the depths of “verticality” and “mediality”; Noé by investigating the relationship between narrative and experience; and Washida by transgressing the borders of philosophy and pursuing more “reversibility” in human relationships.