Causal Inference in Conjoint Analysis: Understanding Multidimensional Choices via Stated Preference Experiments


Hainmueller Jens,Hopkins Daniel J.,Yamamoto Teppei


Survey experiments are a core tool for causal inference. Yet, the design of classical survey experiments prevents them from identifying which components of a multidimensional treatment are influential. Here, we show howconjoint analysis, an experimental design yet to be widely applied in political science, enables researchers to estimate the causal effects of multiple treatment components and assess several causal hypotheses simultaneously. In conjoint analysis, respondents score a set of alternatives, where each has randomly varied attributes. Here, we undertake a formal identification analysis to integrate conjoint analysis with the potential outcomes framework for causal inference. We propose a new causal estimand and show that it can be nonparametrically identified and easily estimated from conjoint data using a fully randomized design. The analysis enables us to propose diagnostic checks for the identification assumptions. We then demonstrate the value of these techniques through empirical applications to voter decision making and attitudes toward immigrants.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science

Reference71 articles.

1. For example, to estimate the AMCEs for the candidates' age levels we run the following regression rating ijk = θ 0 + θ 1[age ijk = 75] + θ 2[age ijk = 68] + θ 3[age ijk = 60] + θ 4[age ijk = 52] + θ 5[ageijk= 45] + ε ijk where rating ijk is the outcome variable that contains the rating and [age ijk = 68], [age ijk = 75], etc., are dummy variables coded 1 if the age of the candidate is 68, 75, etc., and 0 otherwise. The reference category is a 36-year-old candidate. Accordingly, , etc., are the estimators for the AMCEs for ages 68, 75, etc., compared to the age of 36. Note that, alternatively, we can obtain the equivalent estimates of the AMCEs along with the AMCEs of the other attributes by running a single regression of rating ijk on the combined sets of dummies for all candidate attributes, as explained in Section 4.1.

2. Estimating causal effects of treatments in randomized and nonrandomized studies.

3. Strictly speaking, the AMCE for the choice outcome only depends on the joint distribution of Tijk [–l] and Ti [–j]k after marginalizing p(t) with respect to Tijk. We opt for the simpler notation given in the main text.

4. The Use of Vignettes in Survey Research







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