1. Université Paris Cité, UFR de Médecine , Paris, France
2. Rheumatology Department & INSERM U1132 Bioscar, Viggo Petersen Centre, Lariboisière Hospital , Paris, France
3. Rheumatology Department, Pierre-Paul Riquet Hospital , Toulouse, France
4. Université Toulouse III—Paul Sabatier & INSERM, 1291 Infinity , Toulouse, France
5. Rheumatology Department, UF 6501, Hautepierre Hospital , CHU Strasbourg, France
6. Amgen , Boulogne-Billancourt, France
7. Rheumatology Department, National Reference Centre for Rare Systemic Auto-immune Diseases East-South-West (RESO) , CHU Strasbourg, France
8. Molecular Immuno-Rhumatology Laboratory, GENOMAX platform, INSERM UMR-S1109, Faculty of Medicine, Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute (ITI) of Precision Medicine of Strasbourg, Transplantex NG, Federation of Translational Medicine of Strasbourg (FMTS), University of Strasbourg , Strasbourg, France