1. School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University , Liverpool, L3 3AF , United Kingdom
2. NHS Health Education England , Victoria House, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5XB , United Kingdom
3. AmbioPharm, Inc. , 1024 Dittman Court, North Augusta, SC 29842 , United States
4. EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh , Joseph Black Building, David, Brewster Road, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS , United Kingdom
5. Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, University of Pécs Medical School , Szigeti út 12, Pécs , Hungary
6. Eötvös Lorand Research Network, Chronic Pain Research Group, University of Pécs , Szigeti út 12, Pécs , Hungary
7. PharmInVivo Ltd. , Szondi Gy. u. 10. H-7629 , Pécs , Hungary
8. National Laboratory for Drug Research and Development , Magyar tudósok krt. 2, H-1117 Budapest , Hungary
9. Innovipharm Limited , 2 Woodlands Lane, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 8D , United Kingdom