Psychosis-Relevant Effects of Intravenous Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol: A Mega Analysis of Individual Participant-Data from Human Laboratory Studies


Ganesh Suhas123ORCID,Cortes-Briones Jose123,Ranganathan Mohini123,Radhakrishnan Rajiv123,Skosnik Patrick D123,D’Souza Deepak Cyril123


1. Schizophrenia Neuropharmacology Research Group, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT

2. Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities, Connecticut Mental Health Center, New Haven, CT

3. Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT


Abstract Introduction There is increasing interest in the relationship between cannabinoids and psychosis. While individual human laboratory studies have been critical in demonstrating that cannabinoids (e.g., delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC]) can induce acute transient psychosis-like effects in healthy human volunteers, combining data from multiple studies offers a fine-grained view of these effects. Methods THC-induced psychosis-relevant effects were examined using a data repository of 10 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover studies with 400 i.v. THC infusions in healthy human volunteers. The Positive and Negative Syndrome scale was used to measure psychotomimetic effects. The profile of symptoms, frequency of a response, its relationship to THC dose and substance use, latent structure in Positive and Negative Syndrome scale response, and the relationships between psychotomimetic and perceptual alteration symptoms were evaluated. Results Clinically meaningful increases in positive symptoms were noted in 44.75% infusions; conceptual disorganization, hallucinations, blunted affect, somatic concern, motor retardation, and poor attention were the items most frequently altered by THC. The increase in Positive and Negative Syndrome scale positive symptoms was positively associated with THC dose (beta = 11.13, SE = 4.94, Wald χ 2 = 19.88, P < .001) and negatively associated with frequent cannabis use (beta = −0.575, SE = 0.14, Wald χ 2 = 18.13, P < .001). Furthermore, positive symptoms were strongly correlated with Clinician Administered Dissociative States Scale perceptual alterations score (rs = 0.514, P < .001). Conclusion Intravenous administration of THC consistently induces psychotomimetic effects that include symptoms across Positive and Negative Syndrome scale domains. Moreover, healthy individuals who frequently use cannabis have a blunted psychotomimetic response.


National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Brain and Behavior Research Foundation


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Pharmacology (medical),Psychiatry and Mental health,Pharmacology

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