Blockchain distributed ledger technologies for biomedical and health care applications


Kuo Tsung-Ting1,Kim Hyeon-Eui1,Ohno-Machado Lucila12


1. UCSD Health Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA

2. Division of Health Services Research and Development, Veterans Administration San Diego Healthcare System, La Jolla, CA, USA


Abstract Objectives To introduce blockchain technologies, including their benefits, pitfalls, and the latest applications, to the biomedical and health care domains. Target Audience Biomedical and health care informatics researchers who would like to learn about blockchain technologies and their applications in the biomedical/health care domains. Scope The covered topics include: (1) introduction to the famous Bitcoin crypto-currency and the underlying blockchain technology; (2) features of blockchain; (3) review of alternative blockchain technologies; (4) emerging nonfinancial distributed ledger technologies and applications; (5) benefits of blockchain for biomedical/health care applications when compared to traditional distributed databases; (6) overview of the latest biomedical/health care applications of blockchain technologies; and (7) discussion of the potential challenges and proposed solutions of adopting blockchain technologies in biomedical/health care domains.


National Institutes of Health

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Health Informatics

Reference121 articles.

1. Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system;Nakamoto

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4. Blockchain Technology: A Framework for Endless Applications;IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine;2024-03

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