A dissociable functional relevance of theta- and beta-band activities during complex sensorimotor integration


Böttcher Adriana123,Wilken Saskia45,Adelhöfer Nico6,Raab Markus78,Hoffmann Sven45,Beste Christian123


1. Cognitive Neurophysiology , Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, , Dresden , Germany

2. TU Dresden , Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, , Dresden , Germany

3. Faculty of Medicine, University Neuropsychology Center, TU Dresden , Dresden , Germany

4. General Psychology: Judgment , Decision Making, & Action, , Hagen , Germany

5. Institute of Psychology, University of Hagen , Decision Making, & Action, , Hagen , Germany

6. Donders Institute of Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Medical Center , Nijmegen , The Netherlands

7. Performance Psychology, Institute of Psychology, German Sport University Cologne , Cologne , Germany

8. School of Applied Sciences, London South Bank University , London , United Kingdom


Abstract Sensorimotor integration processes play a central role in daily life and require that different sources of sensory information become integrated: i.e. the information related to the object being under control of the agent (i.e. indicator) and the information about the goal of acting. Yet, how this is accomplished on a neurophysiological level is contentious. We focus on the role of theta- and beta-band activities and examine which neuroanatomical structures are involved. Healthy participants (n = 41) performed 3 consecutive pursuit-tracking EEG experiments in which the source of visual information available for tracking was varied (i.e. that of the indicator and the goal of acting). The initial specification of indicator dynamics is determined through beta-band activity in parietal cortices. When information about the goal was not accessible, but operating the indicator was required nevertheless, this incurred increased theta-band activity in the superior frontal cortex, signaling a higher need for control. Later, theta- and beta-band activities encode distinct information within the ventral processing stream: Theta-band activity is affected by the indicator information, while beta-band activity is affected by the information about the action goal. Complex sensorimotor integration is realized through a cascade of theta- and beta-band activities in a ventral-stream-parieto-frontal network.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience








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