1. Brainnetome Center and National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition , Institute of Automation, , Beijing 100190 , China
2. Chinese Academy of Sciences , Institute of Automation, , Beijing 100190 , China
3. CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology , Institute of Automation, , Beijing 100190 , China
4. School of Artificial Intelligence , , Beijing 100049 , China
5. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , , Beijing 100049 , China
6. Model R&D Center , , Beijing 100176 , China
7. Life Biosciences Company Limited , , Beijing 100176 , China
8. Technology Management Center , , Beijing 100176 , China
9. SAFE Pharmaceutical Technology Company Limited , , Beijing 100176 , China
10. Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of Ministry of Education , School of Life Science and Technology, , Chengdu 610054 , China
11. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China , School of Life Science and Technology, , Chengdu 610054 , China
12. Department of Neurobiology , School of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing Key Laboratory of Neural Regeneration and Repair, Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection, , Beijing 100069 , China
13. Capital Medical University , School of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing Key Laboratory of Neural Regeneration and Repair, Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection, , Beijing 100069 , China