Acute Exercise Effect on Neurocognitive Function Among Cognitively Normal Late-Middle-Aged Adults With/Without Genetic Risk of AD: The Moderating Role of Exercise Volume and APOE Genotype


Chang Yu-Kai123,Etnier Jennifer L4,Li Ruei-Hong1,Ren Fei-Fei5,Ai Jing-Yi1,Chu Chien-Heng1


1. Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University , Taipei , Taiwan

2. Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Science, National Taiwan Normal University , Taipei , Taiwan

3. Social Emotional Education and Development Center, National Taiwan Normal University , Taipei , Taiwan

4. Department of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro , Greensboro, North Carolina , USA

5. Department of Physical Education, Beijing Language and Culture University , Beijing , China


Abstract Background Acute exercise is a behavior that benefits cognitive function; however, its effect on populations with different risks for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the role of exercise variance and Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype on this effect remains unknown. This study explores the acute exercise effect on behavioral and neurocognitive function, and its potential moderation by exercise intensity and duration and APOE genetic risk. Methods Fifty-one cognitively normal adults (~36% APOE ε4 carriers) performed the Stroop task under a rest condition and 3 exercise conditions while electroencephalographic activity was assessed. Results Acute exercise improved cognitive performance assessed through both behavioral and neuroelectrical indices. These benefits were observed regardless of adjustments of intensity and duration at a predetermined exercise volume as well as being evident irrespective of APOE ɛ4 carrier status. Conclusions Acute exercise could be proposed as a lifestyle intervention to benefit neurocognitive function in populations with and without genetic risk of AD. Future exploration should further the precise exercise prescription and also the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of acute exercise for neurocognitive function. Clinical Trials Registration Number NCT05591313


National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan

“Social Emotional Education and Development Center” of National Taiwan Normal University


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Geriatrics and Gerontology,Aging







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