Spectral element method for 3-D controlled-source electromagnetic forward modelling using unstructured hexahedral meshes


Weiss M1ORCID,Kalscheuer T1ORCID,Ren Z2ORCID


1. Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University , 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden

2. School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University , Changsha, Hunan 410083, China


SUMMARYFor forward modelling of realistic 3-D land-based controlled-source electromagnetic (EM) problems, we develop a parallel spectral element approach, blending the flexibility and versatility of the finite element method in using unstructured grids with the accuracy of the spectral method. Complex-shaped structures and topography are accommodated by using unstructured hexahedral meshes, in which the elements can have curved edges and non-planar faces. Our code is the first spectral element algorithm in EM geophysics that uses the total field formulation (here that of the electric field). Combining unstructured grids and a total field formulation provides advantages in dealing with topography, in particular, when the transmitter is located on rough surface topography. As a further improvement over existing spectral element methods, our approach does not only allow for arbitrary distributions of conductivity, but also of magnetic permeability and dielectric permittivity. The total electric field on the elements is expanded in terms of high-order Lagrangian interpolants, and element-wise integration in the weak form of the boundary value problem is accomplished by Gauss–Legendre–Lobatto quadrature. The resulting complex-valued linear system of equations is solved using the direct solver MUMPS, and, subsequently, the magnetic field is computed at the points of interest by Faraday’s law. Five numerical examples comprehensively study the benefits of this algorithm. Comparisons to semi-analytical and finite element results confirm accurate representation of the EM responses and indicate low dependency on mesh discretization for the spectral element method. A convergence study illuminates the relation between high order polynomial approximation and mesh size and their effects on accuracy and computational cost revealing that high-order approximation yields accurate modelling results for very coarse meshes but is accompanied by high computational cost. The presented numerical experiments give evidence that 2nd and 3rd degree polynomials in combination with moderately discretized meshes provide better trade-offs in terms of computational resources and accuracy than lowest and higher order spectral element methods. To our knowledge, our final example that includes pronounced surface topography and two geometrically complicated conductive anomalies represents the first successful attempt at using 2nd order hexahedral elements supporting curved edges and non-planar faces in controlled-source EM geophysics.


Uppsala University

Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education

Swedish Energy Agency

Swedish Research Council


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics

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