Real Roots of Hypergeometric Polynomials via Finite Free Convolution


Martínez-Finkelshtein Andrei12,Morales Rafael1,Perales Daniel3


1. Department of Mathematics , Baylor University, Waco, TX 76706, USA

2. Department of Mathematics , University of Almería, Almería 04120, Spain

3. Department of Mathematics , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA


Abstract We examine two binary operations on the set of algebraic polynomials, known as multiplicative and additive finite free convolutions, specifically in the context of hypergeometric polynomials. We show that the representation of a hypergeometric polynomial as a finite free convolution of more elementary blocks, combined with the preservation of the real zeros and interlacing by the free convolutions, is an effective tool that allows us to analyze when all roots of a specific hypergeometric polynomial are real. Moreover, the known limit behavior of finite free convolutions allows us to write the asymptotic zero distribution of some hypergeometric polynomials as free convolutions of Marchenko–Pastur, reciprocal Marchenko–Pastur, and free beta laws, which has an independent interest within free probability.


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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