The management of incidental meningioma: An unresolved clinical conundrum


Islim Abdurrahman I12,Millward Christopher P34,Mills Samantha J5,Fountain Daniel M16,Zakaria Rasheed34,Pathmanaban Omar N12,Mathew Ryan K78ORCID,Santarius Thomas910,Jenkinson Michael D34


1. Department of Neurosurgery, Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences, Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust , Manchester , UK

2. Geoffrey Jefferson Brain Research Centre, Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK

3. Department of Neurosurgery, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust , Liverpool , UK

4. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Institute of Systems, Molecular, and Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool , Liverpool , UK

5. Department of Neuroradiology, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust , Liverpool , UK

6. MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford , Oxford , UK

7. Department of Neurosurgery, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust , Leeds , UK

8. School of Medicine, University of Leeds , Leeds , UK

9. Department of Neurosurgery, Addenbrooke’s Hospital , Cambridge , UK

10. Division of Neurosurgery, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge , Cambridge , UK


Abstract The widespread availability and use of brain magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography has led to an increase in the frequency of incidental meningioma diagnoses. Most incidental meningioma are small, demonstrate indolent behavior during follow-up, and do not require intervention. Occasionally, meningioma growth causes neurological deficits or seizures prompting surgical or radiation treatment. They may cause anxiety to the patient and present a management dilemma for the clinician. The questions for both patient and clinician are “will the meningioma grow and cause symptoms such that it will require treatment within my lifetime?” and “will deferment of treatment result in greater treatment-related risks and lower chance of cure?.” International consensus guidelines recommend regular imaging and clinical follow-up, but the duration is not specified. Upfront treatment with surgery or stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy may be recommended but this is potentially an overtreatment, and its benefits must be balanced against the risk of related adverse events. Ideally, treatment should be stratified based on patient and tumor characteristics, but this is presently hindered by low-quality supporting evidence. This review discusses risk factors for meningioma growth, proposed management strategies, and ongoing research in the field.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Surgery,Oncology,Neurology (clinical)







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