The potential of plant growth-promoting bacteria isolated from arid heavy metal contaminated environments in alleviating salt and water stresses in alfalfa


Raklami Anas1,Slimani Aiman23,Oufdou Khalid12,Jemo Martin1,Bechtaoui Noura4,Imziln Boujamaa2,Meddich Abdelilah3,Navarro-Torre Salvadora5,Rodríguez-Llorente Ignacio D5,Pajuelo Eloísa5ORCID


1. AgroBiosciences Program, College for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) , Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid, Benguerir 43150 , Morocco

2. Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnologies, Agrosciences, and Environment (BioMagE), Labeled Research Unit-CNRST No. 4, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University , Marrakesh 2390 , Morocco

3. Laboratory of Agro-Food, Biotechnologies, and Valorization of Plant Bioresources (Agrobioval), Center of Agrobiotechnology and Bioengineering, Research Unit labeled CNRST (Centre AgroBiotech-URL-CNRST-05), “Physiology of Abiotic Stresses” Team, Cadi Ayyad University , Marrakesh 2390 , Morocco

4. Department of Biology, Nador Multidisciplinary Faculty, Mohamed First University, University Mohammed Premier, Mohammed VI BV, PB 524 , Oujda 60000 , Morocco

5. Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville , C/ Profesor García González, 2, Seville 41012 , Spain


Abstract Co-evolution of plant beneficial microbes in contaminated environments enhances plant growth and mitigates abiotic stress. However, few studies on heavy metal (HM) tolerant plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) promoting crop growth in Morocco’s farming areas affected by drought and salinity are available. Plant associated bacteria tolerant to HM and able to produce indole acetic acid and siderophores, display ACC-deaminase activity and solubilize phosphate, were isolated from long-term metal exposed environments. Tolerance to HM and biofilms formation in the absence or presence of HM were assessed. A consortium including two Ensifer meliloti strains (RhOL6 and RhOL8), one Pseudomonas sp. strain (DSP17), and one Proteus sp. strain (DSP1), was used to inoculate alfalfa (Medicago sativa) seedlings under various conditions, namely, salt stress (85 mM) and water stress (30% water holding capacity). Shoot and root dry weights of alfalfa were measured 60 days after sowing. In the presence of HM, DSP17 showed the greatest auxin production, whereas RhOL8 had the highest ACC-deaminase activity and DSP17 formed the densest biofilm. Root dry weight increased 138% and 195% in salt and water stressed plants, respectively, regarding non-inoculated controls. Our results confirm the improvement of alfalfa growth and mitigation of salt and drought stress upon inoculation.



Universidad de Sevilla


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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