Abstract. After several years in the reactor core, irradiated nuclear fuel is handled and subsequently stored for a few years under water next to the core, to achieve thermal cooling and decay of very short-lived radionuclides. Thereafter, it might be sent to dry-cask interim storage before final disposal in a deep geological repository. Here, the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is subject to a series of physicochemical phenomena which are of concern for the integrity of the nuclear fuel cladding. After moving the SNF from wet to dry storage, the temperature increases, then slowly decreases, leading the hydrogen in solid solution in the cladding to precipitate radially with consequent hydride growth and cladding embrittlement (Kim, 2020). Another phenomenon affecting the physical properties of the cladding during interim dry storage is the irradiation damage produced in the inner surface of the cladding by the alpha decay of the actinides present at the periphery of the pellet, particularly when the burnup at discharge is high. SNF pellets with high average burnup present larger fuel volumes at the end of their useful life due to accumulation of insoluble solid fission products and noble gases, which leads to disappearance of the as-fabricated pellet–clad gap. Further swelling is expected as a consequence of actinide decay and the accumulation of helium. This leads to larger cladding hoop stress and larger alpha decay damage. The present work first investigates the variation in diameter caused
by pellet swelling in an irradiated Zircaloy-4 cladding after chemical
digestion of the uranium oxide (UOx) pellet. Second, the irradiation damage produced during the 30 years elapsed since the end of irradiation in terms of displacements per atom (dpa) is studied by means of the FLUKA Monte Carlo code. The irradiation damage produced by the decay of actinides in the inner surface of the cladding extends for less than 3 % in depth. The considered cladded UOx pellet was extracted from a pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel rod consisting of five segments, with an average burnup at discharge of 50.4 GWd (tHM)−1.