1. Alissov, B. P., Drosdov, O. A., and Rubinstein, E. S.: Lehrbuch der Klimatologie, Deutsche Übersetzung Berlin, 336–337, 1956.
2. Apprehensions, {&}c: New South Wales Police Gazette, 16 August 1893, p. 281, 1893.
3. Australian: Mr Dibbs' No-Confidence Motion, Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 106, 1 November 1890, 2, 1890.
4. Australian Dictionary of Biography: Russell, Henry Chamberlain (1836–1907). http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A060085b.htm, © 2006, updated continuously.
5. Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology: "Russell" joins "Florey" supercomputer, http://reg.bom.gov.au/announcements/media_releases/ho/001201.shtml, access: 1 December 2000, {©} 2010.