Vertical transport of pollutants by shallow cumuli from large eddy simulations
Chen G.,Xue H.,Feingold G.,Zhou X.
Abstract. This study investigates the vertical transport of a passive tracer in a shallow cumulus boundary layer using large eddy simulations. The tracer source is at the surface in one case, and in the inversion layer in the other case. Results show that shallow cumulus clouds can significantly enhance vertical transport of the tracer in both cases. In the case with surface-borne pollutants, cloudy regions are responsible for the upward transport, due to the intense updrafts in cumulus clouds. In the case where pollutants are aloft, cloud-free regions are responsible for the downward transport, but the downward transport mainly occurs in thin regions around cloud edges. This is consistent with previous aircraft measurements of downdrafts around cumulus clouds and indicates that the downward transport is also cloud-induced. We also preformed cloud-free sensitivity runs for the two cases. Results show that this dry convection can neither transport the surface-borne pollutants into the inversion layer, nor transport pollutants from the inversion layer downward to the lower boundary layer. Cumulus convection is therefore more effective than dry convection at venting pollutants upward from the surface, and fumigating pollutants in the inversion layer downward into the lower boundary layer.
Copernicus GmbH
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