Hydropluviometric variability in non-Sahelian West Africa: case of the Koliba/Corubal River Basin (Guinea and Guinea-Bissau)


Sambou Saly,Dacosta Honore,Diouf Rene Ndimag,Diouf Ibrahima,Kane Alioune


Abstract. The Koliba/Corubal River watershed is poorly documented due to the hydrometric measurements shutdown and gaps in the very short hydropluviometric timeseries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the variability of rainfall in the Basin, by simulating flows using the GR2M rain-flow model and extending the discharge timeseries. From the regional vector method, the rainfall timeseries were homogenized, and the gaps filled by the estimated values. The rank correlation and Pettitt test on annual rainfall amounts (1924–2015) indicate breaks in 1958, 1967 and 1969, leading to rainfall deficits ranging from 9.7 % to 20.2 %. For some stations, the segmentation method shows a recovery of rainfall towards the end of the 1980s (Gaoual, Mali) and the early 2000s (Gabu). The analysis of the temporal distribution of the Monthly Rainfall Coefficients shows an improvement of the contributions of a few months during the period after rupture. From a hydrological point of view, the correlation between the mean annual rainfall and the runoff has allowed to extend the flow timeseries. The mean monthly rainfall calculated using the inverse square of distance method, the Potential Evapotranspiration, and the flow rates were used to calibrate and validate the model to determine the parameters that better transform rainfall in flow. The values of the Nash criteria close to 100 have made it possible to extend the monthly flow data from Koliba/Corubal to Gaoual, Cade and Tche-Tche until 2015.


Copernicus GmbH


General Medicine

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