Rainfall risk over the city of Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire): first contribution of the joint analysis of daily rainfall from a historical record and a recent network of rain gauges
Container-title:Proceedings of IAHS
Short-container-title:Proc. IAHS
Yao ChristianORCID, Kacou Modeste, Koffi Ehouman Serge, Dao Amidou, Dutremble Clément, Guilliod Maurice, Kamagaté Bamory, Perrin Jean-Louis, Salles Christian, Neppel Luc, Paturel Jean-EmmanuelORCID, Zahiri Eric Pascal, Séguis Luc
Abstract. Every year, rains cause material damage and human losses, in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). The objective of this study is to contribute to the characterization of the rain hazard in the District of Abidjan. The available data are made up of daily rainfall from a historical station “Abidjan airport” (1961–2014) and an academic network of rain gauges (21) progressively implemented in Abidjan since 2015. A descriptive analysis (date of occurrence, rainfall depth, mean wet days intensity and number of rainy days) on the Highest Cumulative Rainfall Periods (HCRP: 60 d) is conducted on the long-term station. The periods of highest risk of flooding during the long and short rainy seasons are characterized. The Experimental variograms of extreme rainfalls derived from the current network, allow to evaluate their extensions according to the rainy season.
Copernicus GmbH
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