Opinion: Gigacity – a source of problems or the new way to sustainable development


Kulmala MarkkuORCID,Kokkonen Tom V.ORCID,Pekkanen Juha,Paatero Sami,Petäjä TuukkaORCID,Kerminen Veli-MattiORCID,Ding AijunORCID


Abstract. The eastern part of China as a whole is practically a gigacity; it is a conglomeration of megacities with circa 650 million inhabitants. The gigacity, with its emissions, processes in pollution cocktail, numerous feedbacks and interactions, has a crucial and big impact on regional air quality within itself and on global climate. A large-scale research and innovation program is needed to meet the interlinked grand challenges in this gigacity and to serve as a platform for finding pathways for sustainable development of the whole globe.


Horizon 2020

Business Finland

H2020 European Research Council

Academy of Finland

National Key Research and Development Program of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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