Abstract. Solving the momentum balance is the computationally expensive part of simulating the evolution of ice sheets. The momentum balance is described by the nonlinear full-Stokes equations, which are solved iteratively. We use the Picard iteration and Newton's method combined with Armijo step sizes and approximately exact step sizes, respectively, to solve these equations. The Picard iteration uses either no step size control or the approximately exact step sizes. We compare the variants of Newton's method and the Picard iteration in benchmark experiments, called ISMIP-HOM experiments A, B, E1, and E2. The ISMIP-HOM experiments consist of a more realistic domain and are designed to test the quality of ice models. For an even more realistic test case, we simulate the experiments E1 and E2 with a time-dependent surface. We obtain that approximately exact step sizes greatly reduce the necessary number of iterations for the Picard iteration and Newton's method with nearly no increase in the computation time for each iteration.
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