Short communication: Mechanism and prevention of irreversible trapping of atmospheric He during mineral crushing
Cox Stephen E.ORCID, Miller Hayden B. D., Hofmann Florian, Farley Kenneth A.
Abstract. A pervasive challenge in noble gas geochemistry is to ensure that analytical techniques do not modify the composition of the noble gases in the samples. Noble gases are present in the atmosphere and are used
in a number of manufacturing procedures and by laboratory equipment. Of
particular concern is the introduction of atmospheric or laboratory noble
gases to samples during preparation before samples are placed in a vacuum
chamber for analysis. Recent work has shown the potential for contamination
of crushed samples with air-derived He that is not released by placing the
samples under vacuum at room temperature. Using pure He gas as a tracer, we
show that the act of crushing samples to a fine powder itself can introduce
He contamination but that this is easily avoided by crushing under liquid
or in an inert atmosphere. Because the He is trapped during crushing, the
same concern does not extend to samples that are naturally fine-grained when collected. We also show model results that demonstrate when this effect might significantly impact samples for (U–Th) / He geochronology or 3He cosmogenic nuclide dating. The degree of He contamination from crushing samples to sizes smaller than the > 63 µm range typically used for geochronology is insignificant for samples with a date of at least 1 Ma and 1 ppm U, and the degree of He contamination from crushing samples to sizes smaller than the 100–500 µm range typically used for cosmogenic nuclide dating
is also insignificant for samples with a date of at least 10 ka with typical 3He
production rates.
Copernicus GmbH
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