Towards a muon radiography of the Puy de Dôme


Cârloganu C.,Niess V.,Béné S.,Busato E.,Dupieux P.,Fehr F.,Gay P.,Miallier D.,Vulpescu B.,Boivin P.,Combaret C.,Labazuy P.,Laktineh I.,Lénat J.-F.,Mirabito L.,Portal A.


Abstract. High energy (above 100 GeV) atmospheric muons are a natural probe for geophysical studies. They can travel through kilometres of rock allowing for a radiography of the density distribution within large structures, like mountains or volcanoes. A collaboration between volcanologists, astroparticle and particle physicists, TOMUVOL, was formed in 2009 to study tomographic muon imaging of volcanoes with high resolution, large scale tracking detectors. We report on two campaigns of measurements at the flank of the Puy de Dôme using Glass Resistive Plate Chambers (GRPCs) developed for Particle Physics, within the CALICE collaboration.


Copernicus GmbH

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