Abstract. In this article we present a new 1-D P wave seismic velocity model (called MP1-SUW) of the upper mantle structure beneath the western rim of the East European Craton (EEC) based on the analysis of the earthquakes recorded at the Suwałki (SUW) seismic station located in NE Poland which belongs to the Polish Seismological Network (PLSN). This analysis was carried out due to the fact that in the wavefield recorded at this station we observed a group of reflected waves after expected P410P at epicentral distances 2300–2800 km from SUW station. Although the existing global models represent the first arrivals, they do not represent the full wavefield with all reflected waves because they do not take into account the structural features occurring regionally such as 300 km discontinuity. We perform P wave traveltime analysis using 1-D forward ray-tracing modelling for the distances up to 3000 km. We analysed 249 natural seismic events that were divided into four azimuthal spans with epicentres in the western Mediterranean Sea region (WMSR), the Greece and Turkey region (GTR), the Caucasus region (CR) and the part of the North Atlantic Ridge near the January Mayen Island (JMR). Events from each group were sorted into four seismic sections respectively. The MP1-SUW model documents bottom of the asthenospheric low velocity zone (LVZ) at the depth of 220 km, 335 km discontinuity and the zone with the reduction of P wave velocity atop 410 km discontinuity which is depressed to 440 km depth. The nature of a regionally occurring 300 km boundary here we explained by tracing the ancient subduction regime related to the closure of the Iapetus Ocean, the Rheic Ocean and the Tornquist Sea.