Abstract. Some of the most spectacular instances of deep-seated
gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) are found on Mars in the Valles
Marineris region. They provide an excellent opportunity to study DSGSD
phenomenology using a scaling approach. The topography of selected DSGSD
scarps in Valles Marineris and in the Tatra Mountains is investigated after
their likely similar postglacial origin is established. The deformed Martian
ridges are larger than the deformed terrestrial ridges by 1 to 2 orders
of magnitude with, however, a similar height-to-width ratio of ∼0.24. The measured horizontal spreading perpendicular to the ridges is
proportionally 1.8 to 2.6 times larger for the Valles Marineris ridges than
the Tatra Mountains and vertically 2.9 to 5.1 times larger, suggesting that
starting from two different initial conditions, with steeper slopes in
Valles Marineris, the final ridge geometry is now similar. Because DSGSD is
expected to now be inactive in both regions, their comparison suggests that
whatever the initial ridge morphology, DSGSD proceeds until a mature profile
is attained. Fault displacements are therefore much larger on Mars. The
large offsets imply reactivation of the DSGSD fault scarps in Valles
Marineris, whereas single seismic events would be enough to generate DSGSD
fault scarps in the Tatra Mountains. The required longer activity of the
Martian faults may be correlated with a long succession of climate cycles
generated by the unstable Martian obliquity.
Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics
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9 articles.