The Münsterdorf sinkhole cluster: void origin and mechanical failure
Container-title:Solid Earth
Short-container-title:Solid Earth
Kaufmann Georg, Romanov Douchko, Werban UlrikeORCID, Vienken Thomas
Abstract. Since 2004, collapse sinkholes occur on the sports field of Münsterdorf, a village north of Hamburg
in Germany. The sinkholes, around 2–5 m in diameter and 3–5 m deep, develop in peri-glacial
sand, which at around 20 m depth is underlain by Cretaceous chalk. The chalk has been pushed up close to the
surface by a salt diapir. The sinkhole formation initiated suddenly and occurs with a frequency of
one every 2 years. We use a variety of geophysical results (e.g. gravity, electrical resistivity imaging,
ground-penetrating radar) from previous fieldwork campaigns together with a new data
set from direct-push-based methods to infer mechanical and hydrological properties of the
material beneath the sports field (peri-glacial sand, glacial marl, Cretaceous chalk). Based on the derived material properties, we develop a mechanical model for the sinkhole
collapse, starting from simple analytical considerations and then moving towards a three-dimensional
distinct-element model explaining the sudden onset of collapse sinkholes for the sports field. The mechanical model supports our hypothesis that the sudden onset of sinkholes is triggered
by changes in groundwater level.
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Copernicus GmbH
Paleontology,Stratigraphy,Earth-Surface Processes,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology,Geophysics,Soil Science
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