Abstract. The formation of metamorphic zircon after baddeleyite is
a well-known reaction that can be used to date the metamorphism of igneous
silica-undersaturated rocks. By contrast, metamorphic minerals formed after
igneous zirconolite have rarely been reported. In this paper, we document
metamorphic titanite + zircon pseudomorphs formed from the metamorphic
breakdown of igneous zirconolite in syenodiorite and syenite, in the
southeastern Sveconorwegian Province, Sweden. Water-rich fluid influx during
tectonometamorphism in epidote–amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions
caused the release of silica during a metamorphic reaction involving igneous
feldspar and pyroxene and the simultaneous breakdown of igneous Zr-bearing
phases. Typical titanite + zircon intergrowths are elongated or platy
titanite crystals speckled with tiny inclusions of zircon. Most intergrowths
are smaller than 15 µm; some are subrounded in shape. Locally,
bead-like grains of titanite and zircon are intergrown with silicate
minerals. The precursor igneous zirconolite was found preserved only in a
sample of near-pristine igneous syenodiorite, as remnant grains of mainly
< 2 µm in size. Two somewhat larger crystals, 8 and 12 µm, allowed semiquantitative confirmation using microprobe analysis.
Analogous with zircon pseudomorphs after baddeleyite, titanite + zircon
pseudomorphs after zirconolite potentially offer dating of the metamorphic
reaction, although the small size of the crystals makes dating with today's
techniques challenging. The scarcity of reports of zirconolite and
pseudomorphs reflects that they are either rare or possibly overlooked.
Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund
Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
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Cited by
2 articles.