Lasorella M.,Cantatore E.
Abstract. The setting up of recovery plans for historic districts requires a multi-level and multi-thematic process for their analysis and diagnosis to determine classes of priorities and interventions for buildings at the district scale of relevance. Traditional tools and protocols have already highlighted operative complexity and expensive activities, affecting the organicity and effectiveness in interpreting data. On the other hand, recent scientific and practical activities based on the use of parametric Digital Models and Informative Systems have highlighted their advantages in standardizing complex issues and knowledge. Recent work by the authors has defined the structured organization of technical knowledge for the creation of a digital recovery plan using Informative Parametric Models, based on descriptors, and primary and secondary factors. These aim at converting properties and information in qualitative and quantitative data, and then structuring dependencies on descriptors and primary factors, according to thematic taxonomies, existent ontologies for the geometric and semantic representation of urban and architectural entities, thematic normative and established approaches for the recovery of cultural and landscape heritage. Thus, the present work shows a workflow for the semi-automatic setting up of intervention classes for architectures in historic districts in Italy. It is structured on CityGML-based models, coherently implemented with a Technical Decision-Support System (T-DSS). Specifically, the T-DSS is determined considering the relations among thematic normative: UNI 11182, UNI/CEN TS 17385:2019, and Italian Consolidated Law on Building. The workflow is finally tested in the historic district of Ascoli Satriano, in the Apulia Region (South of Italy).
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