Cazzani A.,Aresi M.,Coloru S.,Giannoccaro D.
Abstract. One of the main goals of the Lombardy Region Landscape Plan (Piano Paesaggistico Regionale – PPR) review was to set up a detailed investigation of landscape binding actions that are issued according to article 136 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (D.Lgs. 42/2004).To achieve this goal, a survey was launched and a geo-referenced database was constructed, considering all the data included in the 888 landscape binding actions currently in force in Lombardy.The geo-referenced database takes into account also other architectural preservation measures and natural landscape protections, because a large quantity areas in Lombardy are safeguarded as Regional Parks and Natural Monuments, ecological corridors, geosites and various zones with natural significance are issued as ZPS and SIC by UE.Databases from other agencies and institutions were collected, examined and updated, to provide a complete tool, usable by public administrations and professionals.Such database can also be integrated by multi-temporal geoinformation availability of applications implemented to manage and share georeferenced historical maps (i.e. GEOPAN ATL@S APP), boosting the utility of these data sets in the daily professional activity.