Abstract. Urban aerosol pollution was analyzed over the Moscow
megacity region using the COSMO-ART (COSMO – COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling, ART – Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases) online coupled
mesoscale model system and intensive measurement campaigns at the Moscow
State University Meteorological Observatory (MSU MO, 55.707∘ N,
37.522∘ E) during the April–May period in 2018 and 2019. We analyzed mass concentrations of particulate matter with diameters smaller than 10 µm (PM10), black carbon (BC) and aerosol gas precursors (NOx, SO2, CHx) as well as columnar aerosol parameters for fine and coarse modes
together with different meteorological parameters, including an index characterizing the intensity of particle dispersion (IPD). Both model and experimental datasets have shown a statistically significant linear
correlation of BC with NO2 and PM10 mass concentrations, which
indicates mostly common sources of emissions of these substances. There was
a pronounced increase in the BC/PM10 ratio from 0.7 % to 5.9 %, with the decrease in the IPD index related to the amplification of the atmospheric
stratification. We also found an inverse dependence between the BC/PM10
ratio and columnar single-scattering albedo (SSA) for the intense air mixing conditions. This dependence together with the obtained negative correlation
between wind speed and BC/PM10 may serve as an indicator of changes in the absorbing properties of the atmosphere due to meteorological factors. On
average, the relatively low BC / PM10 ratio (for urban regions) of 4.7 % is the cause of the observed relatively high SSA = 0.94 in Moscow. Using long-term
parallel aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements over the 2006–2020 period
at the MSU MO and under upwind clean background conditions at Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS) of the IAP RAS (55.7∘ N, 36.8∘ E), we estimated the
urban component of AOD (AODurb) and some other parameters as the
differences at these sites. The annual mean AODurb at 550 nm was about
0.021 with more than 85 % of the fine aerosol mode. The comparisons between AODurb obtained from the model and measurements during this experiment have
revealed a similar level of aerosol pollution of about AODurb=0.015–0.019, which comprised 15 %–19 % of the total AOD at 550 nm. The urban
component of PM10 (PM10urb) was about 16 µg m−3
according to the measurements and 6 µg m−3 according to the
COSMO-ART simulations. We obtained a pronounced diurnal cycle of
PM10urb and urban BC (BCurb) as well as their strong correlation with the IPDs. With the IPD index change from 3 to 1 at night, there was
about a 4 times increase in PM10urb (up to 30–40 µg m−3) and a 3 times increase in BCurb (up to 3–3.5 µg m−3). At the same time, no pronounced daily cycle was found for the columnar urban aerosol
component (AODurb), although there was a slight increase in model
AODurb at night.
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6 articles.