An explicit GIS-based river basin framework for aquatic ecosystem conservation in the Amazon


Venticinque Eduardo,Forsberg Bruce,Barthem Ronaldo,Petry Paulo,Hess Laura,Mercado Armando,Cañas Carlos,Montoya Mariana,Durigan Carlos,Goulding Michael


Abstract. Despite large-scale infrastructure development, deforestation, mining and petroleum exploration in the Amazon Basin, relatively little attention has been paid to the management scale required for the protection of wetlands, fisheries and other aspects of aquatic ecosystems. This is due, in part, to the enormous size, multinational composition and interconnected nature of the Amazon River system, as well as to the absence of an adequate spatial model for integrating data across the entire Amazon Basin. In this data article we present a spatially uniform multi-scale GIS framework that was developed especially for the analysis, management and monitoring of various aspects of aquatic systems in the Amazon Basin. The Amazon GIS-Based River Basin Framework is accessible as an ESRI geodatabase at doi:10.5063/F1BG2KX8.


David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation


Copernicus GmbH


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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