Millán Luis,Roy Richard,Lebsock Matthew
Abstract. The feasibility of using a differential absorption radar (DAR) to
retrieve total column water vapor from space is investigated. DAR
combines at least two radar tones near an absorption line, in this
case a water vapor line, to measure humidity information from the
differential absorption “on” and “off” the line. From a spaceborne
platform, DAR can be used to retrieve total column water vapor by
measuring the differential reflection from the Earth's surface. We assess the expected precision, yield, and potential biases of
retrieved total column water vapor values by applying an end-to-end
radar instrument simulator to near-global weather analysis fields
collocated with CloudSat measurements. The approach allows us to
characterize the DAR performance across a globally representative
dataset of atmospheric conditions including clouds and precipitation
as well as different surface types. We assume a hypothetical spaceborne G-band radar with pulse
compression orbiting the Earth at 405 km with a 1 m antenna, equivalent to a footprint diameter of 850, and 500 m
horizontal integration. The simulations include the scattering
effects of rain, snow, as well as liquid and ice clouds, spectroscopic
uncertainties, and uncertainties due to the initial assumed water
vapor profile. Results indicate that using two radar tones at 167 and 174.8 GHz with a transmit power of 20 W ensures
that both pulses will be detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 1 at least 70 % of the time in the tropics and
more than 90 % of the time outside the tropics and that total column water vapor can be retrieved with a precision better than
1.3 mm.
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11 articles.