Estimating ion escape from unmagnetized planets


Holmstrom MatsORCID


Abstract. We propose a new method to estimate ion escape from unmagnetized planets that combines observations and models. Assuming that upstream solar wind conditions are known, a computer model of the interaction between the solar wind and the planet is executed for different ionospheric ion production rates. This results in different amounts of mass loading of the solar wind. We then obtain the ion escape rate from the model run that best fits observations of the bow shock location. As an example of the method, we estimate the heavy-ion escape from Mars on 1 March 2015 to be 2×1024 ions s−1, using a hybrid plasma model and observations by the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) and Mars Express (MEX) missions. This method enables studies on how escape depends on different parameters as well as studies on escape rates during extreme solar wind conditions; moreover, the technique is applicable to studies of escape in the early solar system and at exoplanets.


Copernicus GmbH


Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Atmospheric Science,Geology,Astronomy and Astrophysics

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