Enhanced dataset of global marine isoprene emissions from biogenic and photochemical processes for the period 2001–2020


Cui Lehui,Xiao Yunting,Hu WeiORCID,Song Lei,Wang Yujue,Zhang Chao,Fu PingqingORCID,Zhu JialeiORCID


Abstract. Isoprene is a crucial non-methane biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) that exhibits the largest emissions globally. It is chemically reactive in the atmosphere and serves as the primary source of generating secondary organic aerosols (SOA) in terrestrial and remote marine regions. However, a comprehensive estimation of marine isoprene emissions is currently lacking. Here we built a module to present a 20-year (2001–2020) global hourly dataset for marine isoprene emissions, including phytoplankton-generated biological emissions (BIO emissions) and photochemistry-generated emissions in the sea surface microlayer (SML emissions) based on the latest advancements in biological, physical, and chemical processes, with high spatial resolutions. Our dataset suggests the annual global marine isoprene emissions amount to 1.097±0.009 Tg yr−1. Among these, the BIO emissions are 0.481±0.008 Tg yr−1 while SML emissions contribute 0.616±0.003 Tg yr−1. The ability of this module to estimate marine isoprene emissions was evaluated through comparison with a series of observations of marine isoprene concentrations and emission fluxes. The annual total isoprene emissions across the tropical ocean show a declining trend from 2001 to 2020. Most ocean regions exhibit a 1-year emission period, whereas a significant intraseasonal period is found in the tropical ocean. This dataset can be employed as input for the simulation of marine SOA formation in earth system models. This work provides the foundation for further studies into the impact of the air–sea system on marine SOA formation and its climate effect. The DOI link for the dataset is https://doi.org/10.11888/Atmos.tpdc.300521 (Cui and Zhu, 2023).


Key Technologies Research and Development Program

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Copernicus GmbH


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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