Harmonized Soil Database of Ecuador (HESD): data from 2009 to 2015
Container-title:Earth System Science Data
Short-container-title:Earth Syst. Sci. Data
Armas Daphne, Guevara Mario, Bezares Fernando, Vargas RodrigoORCID, Durante PilarORCID, Osorio Víctor, Jiménez WilmerORCID, Oyonarte Cecilio
Abstract. One of the largest challenges with soil information
around the world is how to harmonize archived soil data from different
sources and how to make it accessible to soil scientist. In Ecuador, there
have been two major projects that have provided soil information, but the
methodology of these projects, although comparable, did not coincide, especially with respect to how
information was reported. Here, we present a new soil database for Ecuador,
comprising 13 542 soil profiles with 51 713 measured soil horizons, including
92 different edaphic variables. The original data were in a non-editable format
(i.e., PDF), which made it difficult to access and process the information. Our
study provides an integrated framework that combines multiple analytic tools for
automatically converting legacy soil information from an analog format into
usable digital soil mapping inputs across Ecuador. This framework allowed us
to incorporate quantitative information on a broad set of soil properties
and retrieve qualitative information on soil morphological properties
collected in the profile description phase, which is rarely included in soil
databases. We present a new harmonized national soil database using a
specific methodology to preserve relevant information. The national
representativeness of soil information has been enhanced compared with other
international databases, and this new database contributes to filling the
gaps in publicly available soil information across the country. The database
is freely available at
https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/1560e803953c839e7aedef78ff7d3f6c (Armas
et al., 2022).
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Copernicus GmbH
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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Cited by
2 articles.