Complex experiment on studying the microphysical, chemical, and optical properties of aerosol particles and estimating the contribution of atmospheric aerosol-to-earth radiation budget


Matvienko G. G.,Belan B. D.ORCID,Panchenko M. V.,Romanovskii O. A.ORCID,Sakerin S. M.,Kabanov D. M.,Turchinovich S. A.,Turchinovich Y. S.,Eremina T. A.,Kozlov V. S.,Terpugova S. A.,Pol'kin V. V.,Yausheva E. P.,Chernov D. G.,Zhuravleva T. B.,Bedareva T. V.,Odintsov S. L.,Burlakov V. D.,Nevzorov A. V.,Arshinov M. Y.ORCID,Ivlev G. A.,Savkin D. E.,Fofonov A. V.,Gladkikh V. A.,Kamardin A. P.,Balin Y. S.,Kokhanenko G. P.,Penner I. E.,Samoilova S. V.,Antokhin P. N.,Arshinova V. G.,Davydov D. K.,Kozlov A. V.,Pestunov D. A.,Rasskazchikova T. M.,Simonenkov D. V.,Sklyadneva T. K.,Tolmachev G. N.,Belan S. B.,Shmargunov V. P.,Kozlov A. S.,Malyshkin S. B.


Abstract. The primary objective of this complex aerosol experiment was the measurement of microphysical, chemical, and optical properties of aerosol particles in the surface air layer and free atmosphere. The measurement data were used to retrieve the whole set of aerosol optical parameters, necessary for radiation calculations. Three measurement cycles were performed within the experiment during 2013: in spring, when the aerosol generation is maximal; in summer (July), when atmospheric boundary layer altitude and, hence, mixing layer altitude are maximal; and in late summer/early autumn, during the period of nucleation of secondary particles. Thus, independently obtained data on the optical, meteorological, and microphysical parameters of the atmosphere allow intercalibration and inter-complement of the data and thereby provide for qualitatively new information which explains the physical nature of the processes that form the vertical structure of the aerosol field.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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